Bonnie Chavez-Staiti
Bonnie Staiti - Bonnie has traveled twice to China to hand select real pearls in natural and various colors. She uses them in her original designs with diamonds and yellow or white gold. She loves to share her enthusiasm for this art and she sells custom or completed pieces privately if you are inclined to inquire.
- 1969-1979 - State Compensation Insurance Fund.
- Underwrote worker’s compensation insurance as a Sales Representative.
- Lead Secretary for the President and Vice President of State Fund.
- Opened The Educational Services Center with Staff for the purpose of training Manager’s and employees of the company.
- Opened The Communications Center where writing the Company Newsletter, Arts Department and communicated with Newspapers, Farm Bureau.
- Moved to Sacramento and worked a book of business in Sales.
- 1979-1980 - Hilton Hotels. Juneau Alaska.
- 1981-1982 - Medical Clinic - reception, billing and assisting the doctors.
- 1982- 1983- Risk Management Officer for the State of Alaska.
- 1984 to 2000- Hayes Office Equipment in San Jose, CA
- Joined forces with Joe and opened Hayes Office Equipment in San Jose, CA. We became number ONE in the Country and Panasonic purchased our company. Retired with 3 locations and 50 employees.
- 2000 to present jewelry design and sales.
- July 2017 Licensed forReal Estate Sales.
- During these years I have given many charity events and parties which I thoroughly enjoyed.