Bonnie Chavez-Staiti
- 1969-1979 - State Compensation Insurance Fund.
- Underwrote worker’s compensation insurance as a Sales Representative.
- Lead Secretary for the President and Vice President of State Fund.
- Opened The Educational Services Center with Staff for the purpose of training Manager’s and employees of the company.
- Opened The Communications Center where writing the Company Newsletter, Arts Department and communicated with Newspapers, Farm Bureau.
- Moved to Sacramento and worked a book of business in Sales.
- 1979-1980 - Hilton Hotels. Juneau Alaska.
- 1981-1982 - Medical Clinic - reception, billing and assisting the doctors.
- 1982- 1983- Risk Management Officer for the State of Alaska.
- 1984 to 2000- Hayes Office Equipment in San Jose, CA
- Joined forces with Joe and opened Hayes Office Equipment in San Jose, CA. We became number ONE in the Country and Panasonic purchased our company. Retired with 3 locations and 50 employees.
- 2000 to present jewelry design and sales.
- July 2017 Licensed forReal Estate Sales.
- During these years I have given many charity events and parties which I thoroughly enjoyed.